BBQ Fish Recipes

BBQ Fish Recipes

When our days start to get warmer, brighter and the evenings longer we start to think about spending time outside. The possibility of grilling some tasty food on the BBQ enjoying time with friends and family is a lovely prospect. BBQ fish recipes or some grilled seafood is a fantastic way to add new flavours and variety to your grill menu. We have some great grilled fish and seafood recipes that will make a very nice change to the usual suspects of burgers and bangers.

BBQ Fish & Seafood Recipes

Fish is easy to cook over a grill, a few minutes each side will deliver a perfectly cooked plate. It is also easy to add lots of other delicious flavours with marinades, a squeeze of citrus, garlic and plenty of chopped herbs – all complemented by some delicious notes from the charcoal.

Below we have lots of choices that will inspire any grill chef looking for some BBQ inspiration or handy fish cooking tips. Whether you are looking for a tasty steak (try tuna or swordfish), marvellous kebabs (try squid, monkfish or prawns) or some whole fish cookery (try mackerel, sardines, sea bass or red mullet)

BBQ Fish Recipes, General Cooking Tips

  • Remove your fish from the fridge and remove any wrapping and allow it to come up to room temperature.
  • Allow the fish or shellfish to air – a dry surface is less likely to stick to the grill.
  • If you are using charcoal make sure you light it in good time so that it is up to temperature when you want to cook. (You can see it is ready when the coal is white all over)
  • Once it’s hot, do scrape your grill to make sure it is clean. A clean grill will help prevent your fish from sticking, Grease the grill with a clean cloth or paper towels soaked in cooking oil. Using a fish holder or clamp is a great way to handle your fish over the heat. Oil it in advance so that you fish is not sticking to the holder instead of the grill.
  • It may seem obvious however, remember that thinner fish or fillets will cook more rapidly than thicker so adjust your expected cooking times accordingly.
By |2024-05-14T17:48:30+01:00May 14th, 2024|Categories: Fresh Fish, Recipes, Shellfish|

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