Halloween is here so if you are looking for something spooky to add to your menu we have a suitable fishy solution. Mackerel mummies are very quick and easy to make, they can be a great family cooking activity.
Local Smoked Mackerel
This recipe uses smoked mackerel. We smoke our own from scottish herrings using the century old smokehouse that is part of our Crouch End shop. Our fish smoking is done with traditional skills and recipes that have been handed down through the family for at least six generations. We only use natural wood smoke with no other additives. You can see more about our smoked fish here >>
Preparation time will be about 5 minutes with a further 1 or 2 minutes for cooking. Quantities below will make 4 mummies
Ingredients For Mackerel Mummies
1 Smoked Mackerel fillet from Walter Purkis & Sons
1 tortilla wrap
1tsp Mayonnaise
Few snips of chives
4 baby gem lettuce leaves
Cooking Method For Mackerel Mummies
If you mackerel fillet has been in the fridge remove any wrapping and allow it to come up to room temperature.
Next you need to make your “bandages” by slicing across the tortilla wrap creating long, thin strips about 5mm wide.
Now mash the mackerel fillet (aim for a good even texture) and shape into 4 ‘mummies’. Gently wrap the tortilla “bandages” around each of the mummies . Make sure that you fold the tortilla ends underneath so they don’t unravel later. Remember to leave enough space for the eyes.
A short application of heat will firm up the tortilla and give them an authentic aged look. If you are cooking with children this part should be done by an adult. To do this toast your ‘mummies’ in a hot, dry non stick frying pan for about 20 seconds.
Now you are ready to add the eyes. Two small dollops of mayonnaise onto each ‘mummy’ to make the eyeball and a small snip of a chive on top will make a ghastly green stare. As an alternative to mayonnaise you can use low-fat soft cheese, soured cream or tomato ketchup in fact anything in the fridge will work
Serve each fishy mummy in a small lettuce leaf. Decorate as appropriate with spiders, cobwebs and any other ghoulish material to hand. They should be eaten with suitably pointed teeth
You can find more (less spooky) smoked mackerel recipes here >>